Thursday, June 4, 2009

Dear Adam,
Sea Shells are like walkie-talkies--
but you get to hear from the ocean!
What if...
instead of cell-phones,
you would have certain objects that could connect
with certain people!
I would talk in my frying-pan to my mom.
She could even hear what I was cooking everyday!
and give me bits of
"try adding some sage. and a little more salt."
And maybe smell (or even taste)
could carry through as Waves (like sound).
So Mom and I could always have dinner together!

What would OUR object be?
what about a certain kind of pen that could write on Air,
so I could draw you a sentence the wind would deliver!
But if the words weren't well-stitched-together
they'd arrive out of order!
So I'd have to send a sentence that would make sense
no matter which way it is read!
"ha ha ha"
"hee hee hee"
"golly gee ha ha ho hee!"

You could collect all my air-messages in a jar and
take them out in a VERY SERIOUS meeting.
They'd fly out and jump and dance all about.
It would be a WORD PARTY!
People would have to duck their heads
for fear of being hit by
flying J's O's and T's!!
What if...
I just wrote you a very very very very long sentence.
and it was sooooooooooooooo long
that it could stretch from Brooklyn to Philadelphia!
And you could travel and visit me on it.
Maybe when walking on my sentence
you'd become each word that you stepped on!
So if the sentence had a lot of
lizards+ birds,
visiting me would be quite the adventure!
(you'd be tired by the time you got here)
I'll make sure the last word is
I better start writing my 200 mile sentence.
It will have lots of
, , ,
: : :
; ; ;
- - - -



kaleFULLY ploted

6-15 Community Garden

It Happens All the Time in Heaven

It Happens All the Time in Heaven
And some day
It will begin to happen
Again on earth-

That men and women who are married,
And men and men who are

And women and women
Who give each other

Often will get down on their knees

And while so tenderly
Holding their lover's hand,

With tears in their eyes,
Will sincerely speak, saying,

"My dear.
How can I be more loving to you;

How can I be more

-by Hafiz

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