Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Friday, November 18, 2016

strong together (lyrics)

We will not follow your fear.
We will not follow your hate.
We will not follow your poison and your lies.
Only love, truth, and justice will lead the way.
Only love, only love will lead the way.

We will not follow your racist beliefs.
We will not follow the White Supremacy.
We’ll crumble and shatter your walls and your fear.
Only love, truth and justice will lead the way.
Only love, only love will lead the way.

And in this time
of great divide, we cannot see
all that we share
can bring us towards a unity
But we must undo
The racist fear and misogyny

Until freedom means
All people
Not just white not just white
Not just Trump in his tower
Of bigotry and spite.

And we will march together.
And we will shout together.
We will rise, we will rise, we will rise.

We will fight deportation,
and we will shout for liberation
We will fight, we will fight, we will fight.

We will protect our water.
We will protect our planet.
Seeds will rise, seeds will rise, seeds will rise.

We will hold each other.
We will uplift each other.
We will live, we will live, we will live.

We are strong together!
We are loud together!
We are One together!
We will fight together!

We are strong together!
We are loud together!
We are One together!
We will fight together!

We are strong together!
We are loud together!
We are One together!
We will fight together!

We are strong together!
We are loud together!
We are One together!
We will fight together!

Only love, truth, and justice will lead the way.
Only love, only love will lead the way.

Only love, truth, and justice will lead the way.
Only love, only love will lead the way.


Saturday, October 29, 2016

midnight train (lyrics)

We were flyin’
so high in the night

In clouds of black
and dusty gray

Stars in glass bottles
were guiding the way

And far below the midnight train
was howlin’ howlin,

howlin my name.

The air was so black that I couldn’t see
So I drank and I drank
Trying to find
A little of you,
A little of me.

But soon the sun would find its way
Burning everything aflame.
The droplets that I knew of you
Would vanish, vanish, vanish too.

And the midnight train was howlin’

And we pretended the sun wasn’t comin’

High in the night
Far from the ground below.

Would we ever linger
into dawn,
into day,
into yellow-orange sunlight
hours and hours away.

We've only met in hazy dreams
Of dark dark skies
In silken waves
Of moon-lit night.

For when the Sun comes with its burning flame
Your misty body flies away
Flies away
Flies away

My only wish -- to kiss you in the sober light of day.

But you are my Knight of shining dream-light
The soul that only breathes at night
The face that never can be seen
Unless I’m wanderin’ through a dream.

So tonight I’ll stop the sun from coming in.
I’ll fly above our clouds our stars our night
To cover the sun
In a blanket of gray
Its light will be hidden
The night will remain.

And holes in the blanket will make tiny stars
And we’ll be tucked into each other
Our one night, now so much longer.

And the midnight train will keep on howlin’

But we’ll be howling too.

listen to the song here

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Friday, August 26, 2016

All Along

What if everything I gave you
I gave to me?

What if everything I thought you had
was just
my dream?

What if all the love I thought was yours
turned out

to be mine

all along?

Sunday, August 21, 2016

if i could live anywhere, it would be within the creases and folds of this wrinkly sand, waiting to fall into the mouth of the endless sea -- to be tossed, turned and sculpted again, each day.

Friday, August 19, 2016

my own survivor

there are some moments

where i'm not making anything beautiful or great,

and I'm not getting anything done.

I don't have "likes" validating my experience

and even so,
I have nothing to show.

But it is in these moments
that I'm finally 

and fully

not fighting myself.

The sword is sleeping in the corner.

And I am sitting,
breathing --

my mind shimmering like a soft, still lake.

Here I am



Monday, August 15, 2016

they say sometimes it's not safe to walk alone


There is not one street in Brooklyn

Without a memory

Waiting for me to turn a corner

And run into it.


Bergen and degraw...

The past knocks me over

Like an unexpected wind.

The memory is fuller
 than what is here now.

The stark contrast
my skin.

To watch a memory
Is not the same as to live.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

20 miles per hour

We sat in the car in silence.

But louder than the silence

Was the feeling

Pulsing, throbbing,
Trembling, shaking

Beating on the doors, the windows, the seats.

I thought the car would break down from lust.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

late night travelers

Please don't come into my cabin.

 I didn't invite you dear.

But if I close the cabin door

Then I also wouldn't hear --

the soothing steady cricket sound

or breathe the sweet night air.

So I'm leaving my door open

for any traveler near.

The past does wander late at night --

though it's unwanted here.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Thursday, June 30, 2016

what if
instead of looking...

I simply


what if each tear

were a gentle drop of peace...

calling me home

calling me home.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Monday, June 6, 2016

roses & thorns

There is no arriving.

There is no landing place.

Each day we walk again

Into the field

Of roses and thorns.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Saturday, May 28, 2016


10 yrs. ago when I turned 25, Roxy Coss gave me this tree and it was a tiny little plant that fit in the palm of my hand. Now it's taller than me.  I hope to keep growing beside it. 

Monday, May 23, 2016

as you said all along

I went back to the place
With the soft cherry petals
That floated on our faces
Like a silken pink snow-fall.

But as I walked by
The tree was bare.

I guess
I imagined it all.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Monday, May 2, 2016

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Monday, April 25, 2016

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

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