The machine in prospect park
turns christmas trees into mulch
people bring their trees from their homes
all of these homes with all of these stories
the ringing carols
sparkly red ornaments
gingerbread cookies
angels on high
all these moments whirl out of the machine
into a medley
I breathe in
the first week of january
grief smells like pine.
on a shining blue day,
the sky wide open against the bare winter,
in the park they make mulch from christmas trees.
the smell of pine all around the park
all these trees, from all these homes
now spread and dried beneath new trees,
helping them grow.
I breathe in the pine
as I walk slowly to say goodbye
and wonder
what will grow
from you?
a bird sits on the top of a tall pine tree
outside my window
like the star on a christmas tree
every morning the bird watches me
I watch the bird
Ki* sways as the wind moves the tree
but the bird holds on to the tiny branch at the top of the pine
to see it all
Oh, what a view
what a view
*Why I use ki instead of it when referring to living things:
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